triaxial table

Sopemea equips its lab with a triaxial vibration table

Top News10/17/2022
Sopemea wins nuclear sector investment support fund for its project to acquire a triaxial seismic test table

Sopemea beneficiary of 

the France Relance plan

Sopemea wins the nuclear sector investment support fund for its project to acquire a triaxial seismic test table.


On 15 April 2021, following the signing of the rider to the strategic contract for the nuclear industry (CSFN), the Ministry of the Economy and Finance published the list of industrialists selected as part of the nuclear industry recovery and support plan.

Within this framework, the project for the acquisition of a triaxial seismic test table presented by Sopemea was selected by the State and included among the winners of the 1st Call for Projects issued by the government.


Sopemea's project was supported by the label delivered by the Nuclear Valley competitiveness cluster. This investment will enable Sopemea to have a test facility that will enable it to carry out triaxial low-frequency tests:


  • Representative of the real stresses encountered during earthquakes
  • Closer to the numerical calculations of industrialists
  • Meets the requirements of the new standards
  • Providing an increased production capacity for your qualifications


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This new test facility will complement the existing equipment at the Vélizy site and should be available to our customers before the end of 2022. With this acquisition, Sopemea will provide its customers with a test facility that complements its vibration testing services, enabling it to better meet the time constraints of industrial programmes and the new standards applicable to both French and international programmes.


Accessible to all industrialists in the nuclear industry sector, this new facility will meet the requirements of their qualifications. This investment, managed by Sopemea's technical management and mechanical testing division, opens up new prospects for the implementation of digital twins dedicated to the qualification phases. This 2.2 m x 2.2 m table will enable low-frequency (<100 Hz) single, dual or tri-axis vibrations to be carried out on equipment weighing up to 2,000 kg with acceleration levels of up to 6 g and displacements of 200 mm.

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