Compression tests for Alstom

Sopemea carries out compression tests for Alstom

Customer story04/24/2019

How do you test the strength of a metro train? Between December and February, the Measurement teams of Sopemea and its Hauts-de-France subsidiary, Sopaval, carried out compression tests for Alstom with the Centre d'Essais Ferroviaires (CEF) on the AFR-TITAGARH site in Douai. 

How do you test the strength of a metro train? Between December and February, the Measurement teams of Sopemea and its Hauts-de-France subsidiary, Sopaval, carried out compression tests for Alstom with the Centre d'Essais Ferroviaires (CEF) on the AFR-TITAGARH site in Douai. The assembly and execution of a compression test on Alstom's railway equipment required hundreds of hours of instrumentation, from the installation of sensors to static tests on the cauldron (the structure of a wagon body). Report.

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